Are you dealing with an endless summer that has your home feeling like a sauna? Or do you live in an apartment where the landlord will only allow the AC to be on at certain times of the day? Whatever the case, keeping your home cool and comfortable during hot weather can feel like a Herculean task.

Fortunately, some simple hacks can use to keep your house cool and comfortable this summer. Keeping up with air conditioning maintenance, opening windows when possible, installing ceiling fans, and more are all great ways to keep your home from getting too stuffy. Here are some hacks to keep your house cool and comfortable no matter how hot it gets outside.

1. Change your windows

Your windows are a huge factor in how cool your home feels. If your windows are old and drafty, they will increase your home’s energy usage and make your home feel much warmer. If you can, you should consider replacing your windows with new ones that are energy efficient. In addition to making your home cooler, it will save you money on your energy bills.

Consider installing energy-efficient curtains or shades if you can’t replace your windows. Consider keeping the shades and curtains closed during the day if you live in a hot climate. You can install blinds to help block out the sun’s warmth and keep your home cool.

2. Block Out The Sun With Blinds And Curtains

The sun streaming through your windows will heat your home and make it feel like a sauna. You can block out sunlight with a variety of different curtains and blinds. You should also remember to close your curtains or blinds during the day if you want to cool your home down.

If you have windows that receive a ton of sun, you should consider installing awnings or shades near the windows. Doing so will help block out sunlight and keep your home from becoming too hot during the day. You can also consider installing window film to help protect your windows from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

3. Add Some Natural Decor and Greenery

Adding some natural decor and greenery to your home is a great way to keep it cooler. Plants remove toxins from the air and help keep your home’s air clean and healthy. Indoor plants are especially great since they don’t require you to water them as much as outdoor plants do.

Adding indoor plants to your home can keep your home cool and reduce the humidity. You can also add a fan to your plants to help them circulate even more air throughout your home. You can even add plants to your kitchen and bathroom to create a healthy atmosphere where you spend most of your time.

You don’t have to let the summer heat ruin your home’s appearance and comfort. Adding some of these cool decorating tips to your home can create an attractive, cool, and comfortable atmosphere.
